Dental Implant Abutments

Implant AbutmentOnce an implant has healed for a few months it is ready to restore. The implant has healed undisturbed for a number of months under the gums. At this point, the implant must be uncovered. It’s a simple procedure that can be done under a local anesthetic and results in only minimal gum soreness that can be eased with an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. A healing cap is placed over the exposed implant so that the gums can heal around the area. Now it’s time to choose an abutment. An abutment is a post that attaches to the implant and protrudes through the gums. This provides a platform for a crown (cap) to be attached to the implant. If the implant was able to be placed in the bone relatively straight compared to the adjacent teeth, then a standard abutment can be placed on the same day. Otherwise, an impression (mold) of the mouth must be taken and a custom abutment would need to be constructed at a lab. The abutment is placed by tightening a screw to a specified torque. The implant is now ready to restore into a new tooth.