Brushing one’s teeth is an extremely important part of one’s daily oral hygiene. Coupled with flossing, it removes the plaque that causes cavities and gum disease. There have been a variety of methods for toothbrushing that have been recommended. The main question is usually “Do I brush side to side or up and down?” Either way, if done properly, can be fine. If one wishes to go up and down, it is best to start above (on the upper) or below (on the lower) the gum line and roll the toothbrush head across the surface of the teeth. I will tell patients who wish to use that technique to brush your teeth in the direction that the teeth grow. When going side to side, the bristles should be angled at a 45 degree angle to the surface of the teeth, and then, the handle should be vibrated side to side. With either method, vigorous scrubbing must be avoided. Dental plaque is not very difficult to remove and only requires a gentle hand on the brush. Too much pressure can cause the gums and tooth enamel to be eroded away causing permanent damage.