Toothbrushing is a vital part of daily oral hygiene to help prevent cavities and gum disease. Choosing the toothbrush that is right for you is an important part of the process. Toothbrushes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles. Head size is important to make sure that all areas of the mouth are accessible. The larger the head of a toothbrush, the more efficient it will be in cleaning the teeth. However, trying to get the sides of the upper molars can be a challenge for some. When you open your mouth wide, the coronoid process of the jaw bone will drop down right next to the upper molars making it a very tight fit. By closing the mouth halfway and moving the jaw to the side will many times allow enough room to get a brush with a bigger head all of the way back into the mouth. The bristles should be no firmer than the “soft” variety. Plaque is actually not that difficult to remove, so a medium or hard brush is not necessary. Use of too stiff a brush can cause damage to the tooth enamel and the gums which can necessitate fillings and gum grafts.