Atlanta sedation dentist, Dr. Richard P. Gangwisch, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, demonstrates IV sedation on an actual patient
Narrator - Millions of people don’t get the proper dental care because they’re afraid to go to the dentist. Conscious sedation can help even the worst dental phobics get dental treatment done in an extremely relaxed state making the procedure as comfortable as possible. Conscious sedation can be done orally with pills or through an IV. Dr. Richard Gangwisch is certified to by the state of Georgia to perform IV sedation and he’s been sedating patients for decades. Join us now as we watch Dr. Gangwisch perform IV sedation on a patient who’s about to get his wisdom teeth removed.
Dr. G - Hello I’m Doctor Richard Gangwisch. Fear of the dentist is a very common problem. Most of the apprehension comes from the anticipation of the patient to the upcoming dental procedure. Almost all dental treatment can be performed without any pain at all thanks to good local anesthetic techniques. However, the mind is a very powerful thing and sometimes numbing a tooth is not enough for a nervous patient to complete the procedure comfortably. That’s where sedation steps in. With sedation a patient is awake and aware but they don’t care. This allows for a high level of safety since the patient still has their protective reflexes. They can breathe on their own, respond to commands and swallow or cough as needed. For most procedures oral sedation, that is, just taking a couple of pills is all that is needed. However, some extremely apprehensive patients require a deeper sedation. That’s where IV sedation comes into play. With IV sedation we can adjust the dosage for that patient allowing them to have a very pleasant experience. In this video our patient is about to get his impacted wisdom teeth removed. So, we’ll show you the monitoring equipment, the preliminary exam, the actual placement of the IV and the dismissal of a very relaxed patient.
Good, alright, let’s go ahead and check the heart and lungs and see how you’re doing here. Lean forward for me and breathe in real deep and breathe out. Let’s go ahead and find a vein for you here. Alright, you’re going to feel a stick here. Alright, we’re going to go ahead and give you an anti-swelling agent now. How do you feel as far as the sedation, feeling comfortable and relaxed? Okay now we do have the ability to give you some extra sedation if you need but you just let me know if you feel like you need a little bit more and everything. We removed all four of this patient’s wisdom teeth. Our patient did extremely well. He felt no pain during the procedure and was extremely relaxed. Now it’s time for dismissal. He will go home and have a pleasant sleep for the rest of the day. Okay Kyle scoot over here and put your feet on the floor my man. There you go. Hop on in. Okay. Alright. Here’s your cold pack. Ok Kyle. You did wonderful my man. Good luck. Call me at any time day or night if you need me. Ya’ll have a good one.