Denture dentist in Lilburn GA, Dr. Richard P. Gangwisch, DDS, MAGD, ABGD, demonstrates how to make a complete denture on an actual patient
Dr. Gangwisch - Hey Roy. How're you doing today?
Roy - Fine.
Dr. Gangwisch - Well good. So, I bet you'd like to get a nice new set of teeth today, huh?
Roy - I sure would.
Dr. Gangwisch - Yeah, let's see what we can do for you here. Let's take a look here. Yeah, I’d say we could probably improve immensely on that. So, um a full set of dentures there, we’ll go ahead and see if we can get you smiling and chewing with a real good set. How's that sound?
Roy - Yeah.
Dr. Gangwisch - All right my man we'll get started. Alright Roy we're going to go ahead and try a tray in here. See if that fits. Yeah it looks like we'll be in pretty good shape there, ok. So, what that is there, that's a tray that's going to fit in his mouth and we'll get started on that so we'll take that metal tray and we're going to put a putty into it. As you can tell, the putty is in two components and we'll go ahead and by hand get it all mixed up we'll place that into the tray and then the tray we're going to place into Roy’s mouth. The tray, what it's going to do is make it conform much better into his individual mouth and all the anatomical considerations there. I’m going to place that in we're going to be real vigorous there and get the lips and cheeks molded around that you want to make sure that all muscle movements are going to make the denture fit much better and then we just let that putty bench set from there. Now at this point everything is nice and set and we let that set for a few minutes but the impression is still rather thick around the borders, around the edges. So, we're going to go ahead and knife trim that to get that thinned out so that way he's not all puffed out with his final denture on that and here's the final product for the preliminary impression. Alright so I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to squirt some of this extra little goo in here and we're going to go ahead and get a perfect impression of the inside of Roy’s mouth here. John, just keep snapping. It's digital; obviously we're not going to use everything. Alright Roy let's go ahead and put this in. Breathe through your nose. I may need the… let's see, open wide… now relax. OK, we're good. Don't hold it too tight this time. Alright, now we get to wait for a few minutes for that to set. Doing great. Here's the final impression that the denture will be made from. Alright Roy, the next thing we're going to do is we're going to see where to put your bite so we can set the teeth properly. First thing we need to do is put your denture in. Ok, now go ahead, ok, now what we're going to do is put a couple dots on your chin and nose. Now I want you just to close your teeth together and relax your lips. Ok. Yeah, cause he's got to sign a release. That's perfect. Ok, now Roy, you can take that out. So now, we've got the measurement for how far his jaw is going to be opening or actually how far his jaw is going to be at rest. Next thing we're going to do is we'll take wax and we're going to go ahead and we're going to heat that up and we're going to go ahead and put that in his mouth and he's going to bite into that. Ok, open, bite, too much, just close and relax your lips. Close a little more. Oh, right there. Close a little more, little more. Perfect. Ooh. Awesome. Stay biting. Suction. Tell you what, it helps to have a good patient. Alright, now you're going to get him smiling here. Now smile for me. I want to see teeth. Oh, there you go. Keep going. Smile. Keep going. Keep going. Awesome. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. Alright, so we do the lip line. That's what we're putting in right now. So, we got the midline. There. Ok, now open. Alright Roy, we're going to clean you up. We're going to take those dots off your teeth. Uh, what was that. He wants them light?
Kelsey - He says that he needs to be Hollywood.
Dr. Gangwisch - You want to make them a1?
Kelsey - Well don't make it unrealistic. He said he's never had white teeth before and it would make him happy.
Dr. Gangwisch - What do you think, a2? Alright let's look at it compared to what he's got now. He wants them lighter?
Kelsey - Do you want them lighter than that dad? You want them lighter?
Dr. Gangwisch - That look ok, Roy? How do you like that?
Kelsey - Do you want them whiter or do you think that's good?
Dr. Gangwisch - That looks realistic.
Dr. Gangwisch - We're here today with Roy and we're going to go ahead and do what we call a try in. What that is, we've got a denture. We'll see if I can get that close to the camera, there, and that denture has got teeth fitted in such a way that we can go ahead and just try it in and make sure it looks good, that everything feels right, and he's got a good bite and everything and then we can send it off to the lab and they can actually make a real denture for him at that point in time. So, Roy, let's go ahead and see how this is here. There now, just close together. Let's see how we're doing. The bite's actually looking pretty good there. That's pretty good. Uh, now this is from the wax bite. I’ve kind of changed it a little bit just to make sure I’m a happy with the uh with the looks of it and everything, but I’d say that looks pretty spectacular. Alright, Roy, turn just slightly towards me. There, that's good, open a little bit. I want to see you smile. Oh yeah, got it now. Look straight at me. Make sure your smile is nice and even. There, alright Roy, would you like to see your teeth? We've got to make sure you like the looks of it. So, what do you think there Roy? We'll have you there you go. So, you like that looks a lot better than your previous denture? Isn't it huh well, that's great. We've got to ask your daughter and she's going to be the important one. Why don't you smile for your daughter and see if she feels that's pretty good. What do you think there, Kelsey? Huh, alright, I think we're ready to send that off to the lab and they'll actually go ahead and they'll be setting teeth in there; get everything perfected from that point. It's looking great there, my man.
Dr. Gangwisch - Hey Roy, looks like today's the big day. Looking forward to that?
Roy - Yep.
Dr. Gangwisch – Awesome. Well we've got some nice teeth for you here after all that hard work. So, we're going to check these out and see how they fit. Here, let's go ahead and sit you up here a little bit and alright, let's put a little moisture on this and we'll see how they fit. Great. Close together for me. There you go. Well that's a nice bite. How's that feel? Nice and tight. Now, awesome, look at that. Going to have you eating corn on the cob. What do you think here, Kelsey? Huh, smile for her. Smile big. Look nice? Would you like to see, Roy? Thank you. Alright, there you go, Roy. What do you think? You've got lift that lip up, man, you’ve got to see these teeth, huh. How's that? Huh? You like that? Huh? How's the bite and everything? Bite feel good?
Roy - That one.
Dr. Gangwisch – Ok, we'll go ahead and touch that one up. Sometimes we have to do a little bit of that when we put that in. Well, awesome. Well otherwise everything else feels good? Nothing's scratching you or pinching? Well, awesome. Well that's what all the hard work we did ahead of time now that pays off in the end. Now, we'll do a little adjustment on your bite and you'll be ready to take a nice big apple into that with that denture. Alright, well take care there, Roy. We'll go ahead and get that last little bit taken care of and get you on the road.